Nikita Singh
2 min readJun 30, 2021

Tips to take care of your eyes in every coming season.

As the days go by, seasons change. But eyes are our constant. So let us instill a positive attitude towards our eye health and put a little effort in eyecare each day instead of simply neglecting it .

These are the essential eyecare tips you can follow to keep the eyes healthy in every coming season.

1)When the summer season sets in, protecting your eyes from glaring hot sun is a must. Wearing sunglasses or goggles shade your eyes from the sunrays. Polarized lenses and shades with wraparound frames help to reduce the glare and prevent your tear film from evaporating respectively.

2)Prioritize your eye care during monsoons to avoid any itching, redness, irritation or infections like conjunctivitis or stye. Avoid sharing towels, napkins or using dirty hands to touch your eyes. In case of any infection wear your glasses, do not use contact lenses and consult your doctor immediately.

3)Make it a habit of washing your eyes with cold, clean water to remove any impurity from the eyes. Always wear clean contact lenses and use glasses to prevent dust exposure.Here is a pro tip for you people- never leave your sunglasses or protective glasses at home. Always carry it like an essential whenever you leave the house, regardless of the season.

4)Dry and scratchy eye is most common in winters due to cold, dry air. Stay hydrated, avoid direct exposure to heater and use humidifier to restore the room moisture. While using a sunscreen, avoid eye contact.

5)The best way to contribute to your eye care is by always indulging in healthy food habits, having a nutritious diet, boosting your immunity and maintaining a good personal hygiene. Afterall, health is wealth.

You are special to us and so are your eyes. So let's take a good care of this precious pair.

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